Can Dogs Eat Turkey Meat?

Absolutely, they can! Turkey meat is a lean protein, rich in essential nutrients like vitamins B6 and B12, niacin, and zinc. Like every other meat, it’s best when it’s part of a balanced diet, but really, there’s nothing wrong with dogs eating turkey. It’s a healthy and delicious addition to your dog’s meals, so don’t hesitate to share with them!

There are some restrictions when it comes to how you prepare turkey. Avoid adding gravy, sauces, or spices, as these can be harmful to dogs. And, of course, never give your dog turkey bones, as they can be choking hazards or cause internal injuries. Stick to plain, cooked turkey meat.

Most of us share table scraps with our dogs, but we should be careful about what we offer. While the question isn’t really can dogs eat turkey, it’s more about which parts they can eat and how we can cook turkey so it’s safe for them. We’re covering that in detail in this article! Another thing to mention is that The Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) recommends 18-25% protein in a dog’s diet, so turkey is definitely a great option.

dog looking to eat whole roasted turkey on a plate

Can dogs eat raw turkey and is it really that dangerous?

Many dog owners have turned to popular raw diets, believing they offer more natural nutrition. However, the research on the benefits of raw diets is limited. From what I’ve read, the health benefits seem minimal compared to feeding dogs commercial dog food or cooked turkey meat combined with dog kibble. When we wrote about whether dogs can eat turkey legs, we mentioned that studies comparing raw meat-based diets (RMBD) and high-quality commercial kibble found both diets kept dogs within normal health ranges. RMBD-fed dogs had slightly better skin health and clinical scores, but overall, both diets provided similar health benefits.

There are significant risks when you feed dogs raw turkey. The main concern is bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli. These bacteria can make your dog sick and can also pass through their poop, leading to a risk of cross-contamination. While the turkey you buy at the store is unlikely to contain harmful bacteria, the risk still exists. Considering the minimal benefits of a raw diet and the potential health hazards, it’s safer to stick with cooked turkey meat for your dog’s meals.

Are there any specific benefits of raw turkey meat for dogs?

Research shows that raw meat-based diets (RMBD) might offer slightly better skin health and clinical scores compared to commercial kibble. However, overall health benefits are similar between raw and cooked diets.

Health benefits of turkey for dogs

Dogs get complete nutrients from their dog food, but cooked turkey meat is absolutely great! While dogs do need complete minerals and vitamins, they rarely need supplements (unless they have a condition and your vet says so), so knowing these cool tips and nutrition information about turkey is pretty cool, in my opinion. Here are some of the key advantages of including turkey in your dog’s meals:

Lean protein source: Turkey is healthy lean protein, and dogs need protein to build muscle. It’s pretty lean, which means it’s low in fat compared to other meats, which makes it easy to digest, low in calories and is a good option for dogs that need to manage their weight.
Rich in vitamins and minerals: Turkey has essential nutrients like vitamins B6 and B12, niacin, zinc, and selenium. These support your dog’s energy, immune system, and overall health.
Makes their skin healthy and coat shiny: The vitamins and zinc in turkey help maintain healthy skin and a shiny coat. Your dog will look and feel great!
Supports immune system: Selenium in turkey helps protect your dog’s cells and supports their immune system. A strong immune system is crucial for keeping your dog healthy.
Easily digestible: Turkey is gentle on your dog’s stomach, making it a great choice for dogs with sensitive tummies. It’s a high-quality protein that provides essential nutrition without causing digestive issues.

What turkey parts are safe for dogs to eat?

Now that we know turkey is a good source of protein for our dogs, it’s important to learn which parts of the turkey are safe for them to eat. Different parts of the turkey offer various nutritional benefits, but not all are suitable for our dogs. Let’s explore which turkey parts you can safely include in your dog’s diet to ensure they get the most out of this healthy protein source.

Turkey breast

Turkey breast is a lean and versatile part of the turkey that we often cook for our meals. For our dog, we cook it plain without any seasoning. It’s a great option for a healthy protein source.

Is turkey breast safe for dogs to eat? — Turkey breast is safe for dogs to eat when cooked plain without any seasoning. It’s a top choice when it comes to turkey!
Health benefits of turkey breast for dogs — It’s a good protein that can support muscle development and give them strength.
How much is usually recommended? — It’s typically recommended that you feed your dog turkey breast in moderation as part of a balanced diet. Cook it with rice and carrots, and make a meal out if it, and don’t spoil them and give them turkey too often, as they can stop eating kibbles.

Turkey gizzards

Turkey gizzards are another part of the turkey that can be a nutritious treat for your dog. Please always cook gizzards before feeding them to your dog.

Are turkey gizzards safe for dogs to eat? — Turkey gizzards are safe for dogs to eat when cooked. They are a good source of essential nutrients.
Health benefits of turkey gizzards for dogs — Gizzards are rich in minerals and vitamins, and have good nutrients that support overall health and digestion.
How much is usually recommended? — You should feed turkey gizzards to your dog in moderation, as a small treat mixed with their regular food.

Turkey legs

Turkey legs are another popular part of the turkey, but only the meat is safe for dogs. Avoid giving them the bones.

  • Are turkey legs safe for dogs to eat? — Turkey legs are not safe whole, but the meat is absolutely fine. Like every other meat, we recommend it cooked, without fancy spices and sauces, and definitely without the bone. Bones are a choking hazard and cause internal injuries.
  • Health benefits of turkey leg meat for dogs — The meat from turkey legs is a good source of protein and essential nutrients.
  • How much is usually recommended? — It’s good to give turkey meat in moderation, in combination with their regular food, to ensure a balanced diet.

Turkey liver

Turkey liver can be a nutritious addition to your dog’s diet when given in moderation and properly cooked. It’s rich in minerals and good nutrients, so definitely think about including it in your dog’s diet.

Is turkey liver safe for dogs to eat? — Turkey liver is safe for dogs to eat when cooked and given in moderation.
Health benefits of turkey liver for dogs — It’s rich in vitamins A and B, as well as iron and other essential nutrients, supporting overall health.
How much is usually recommended? — It’s best to feed turkey liver to your dog occasionally and in small amounts, as part of a balanced diet.

Turkey hearts

Turkey hearts are another nutritious part of the turkey you can give your dog. We recommend you always cook them and offer them as a treat rather than a regular one.

Are turkey hearts safe for dogs to eat? — Turkey hearts are safe for dogs to eat when cooked and given in moderation.
Health benefits of turkey hearts for dogs — They are rich in protein and essential nutrients, which support cardiovascular health and overall well-being.
How much is usually recommended? — Like turkey liver, turkey hearts should be given occasionally and in small amounts.

Turkey wings

Turkey wings can be a tasty treat for dogs, but you can only give your dog the meat from the wings! And please, never give your dog raw turkey wings.

Are turkey wings safe for dogs to eat? — The meat of turkey wings is safe for dogs to eat when cooked, but avoid giving them the bones and turkey skin.
Health benefits of turkey wing meat for dogs — The meat is a good source of protein and nutrients.
How much is usually recommended? — Like any other turkey meat, you can give it to your dog as a treat and as a part of a balanced diet.

Turkey necks

Turkey necks are not recommended for dogs as there’s a risk of choking and internal injuries from bones. We seriously don’t recommend them, and if you’re considering them as some sort of dental chew, please find other options, as the risk outweighs the benefits.

Are turkey necks safe for dogs to eat? — Turkey necks are not safe for dogs to eat due to the bones, which can be a choking hazard and cause internal injuries.
Health risks of turkey necks for dogs — The bones in turkey necks can splinter and cause choking or damage to your dog’s digestive tract.
Why avoid turkey necks? — To keep your dog safe, it’s best to avoid giving them turkey necks and stick to other safer parts of the turkey.

By knowing which parts of the turkey are safe and how to prepare them, you can cook for your dog and enjoy making safe homemade meals. Just remember to always cook the turkey meat plain and avoid giving your dog any bones.

And what about ground turkey? Can dogs eat it every day?

Dogs should not eat raw ground turkey due to the risk of harmful bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli. Raw ground turkey can make dogs sick and is a health risk to everyone in your household due to potential cross-contamination. Ground turkey is typically made from a mix of dark and light turkey meat, including the breast and thighs, which gives it a balanced fat content, usually around 7-10%.

However, dogs can eat cooked ground turkey as part of their regular diet. If you want to make turkey patties, burgers, or meatballs for your dog, go ahead! Just remember to cook the meat thoroughly and avoid adding any seasonings or spices. Popular additives like garlic, onions, salt, pepper, and various herbs can be harmful to dogs. Also, skip the sauces; plain, cooked ground turkey is the safest and healthiest option. For the best quality ground turkey, look for organic or all-natural options at your local grocery store or butcher shop.

Types of turkey and prep methods: Are they safe for dogs?

Cooked turkey is great, but processed turkey can be tricky. While turkey is generally a healthy meat for us and our dogs, there are some things you need to be careful about.

Deli turkey meat

Deli turkey meat can be safe for dogs, but you need to be careful to buy the low-sodium variety. Too much sodium can lead to health issues like high blood pressure and kidney problems. As a snack, dogs love turkey slices, so it’s a good idea to buy high-quality deli turkey meat for both you and your dog. Avoid turkey slices with artificial flavors, nitrates, and nitrites, as these are not good for you or your dog. Nitrates and nitrites can act as endocrine disruptors, potentially leading to health problems.

Cooked turkey

Yes, yes, and absolutely yes! Cooked turkey is great for dogs. White turkey meat, from parts like the breast, is a fantastic lean protein source that helps maintain energy levels and muscle mass. Dark turkey meat from the thighs and legs is also beneficial, offering a slightly higher fat content for energy and a rich taste that dogs enjoy. Cooked turkey is an excellent treat, and cooked ground turkey is another fantastic option for a balanced diet.

Smoked turkey

Smoked turkey is not ideal for dogs due to artificial flavors and high sodium content. While it’s not toxic, the artificial smoke and high salt levels make it a little bit heavy for regular consumption. However, if your dog eats a small amount of smoked turkey, they will be fine. A little taste won’t do any harm, but it’s best to keep smoked turkey as an occasional treats when they are being a good boy or a girl!

In summary, while deli turkey slices and smoked turkey should be given in moderation, cooked turkey meat is a highly beneficial addition to your dog’s diet. Just ensure it’s plain and has a minimal amount of additives.

Turkey is a fantastic addition to your dog’s diet when prepared correctly. Cooked turkey offers numerous health benefits, from lean protein to essential vitamins and minerals, making it a great treat or part of their regular meals. Avoid processed turkey with high sodium and additives, and always cook the meat thoroughly to ensure your dog stays happy and healthy. Enjoy sharing this nutritious meat with your furry friend, knowing you’re providing them with a tasty and beneficial treat!

Love, life, and fur forever!


Is it safe for dogs to eat turkey?

Yes, dogs are safe to eat turkey as long as it is cooked plain and without any seasoning or additives. Avoid giving them bones and be cautious with processed turkey products.

Can I cook turkey for my dog?

Absolutely! Cooked turkey is a healthy and nutritious option for dogs. Just cook it thoroughly and serve it plain without any seasonings, spices, or sauces.

Is turkey or chicken better for dogs?

Both turkey and chicken are great lean protein for dogs. You can give both to your dog, and there’s really nothing in turkey or chicken that makes it better than the other. Both meats provide essential nutrients and can be part of a balanced diet.

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