Can Dogs Eat Tangerines?

Yes, dogs can eat tangerines, and some might really enjoy them. Just keep in mind that citrus fruits are acidic, so they could upset your dog’s stomach. On the plus side, tangerines are good for hydration because they’ve got electrolytes and vitamins. So, sharing a little tangerine is fine if your dog’s cool with citrus.

whole and peeled tangerines and a dog

Remember, fruit is still sugar, even if it’s a healthier kind, so dogs shouldn’t eat too much of it. If you’re giving your dog some fruit, make sure it’s less than 10% of their overall diet. Some dogs really love eating fruit, especially sweet and refreshing ones like tangerines or even exotic fruits like lychee, guava, and dragon fruit. If that sounds like your dog, feel free to share a little, but don’t overdo it.

Tangerines are refreshing but not recommended for sensitive dogs

Tangerines are refreshing and okay for dogs, but they’re not the best choice if your dog has a sensitive gastrointestinal tract. Some dogs with a delicate digestive system might have trouble digesting tangerines.

I’ve talked about this before when I looked into whether dogs can eat limes. We busted the myth that limes are toxic to dogs—it turns out the harmful stuff is mostly in the peel and leaves, with only tiny amounts in the lime flesh. But just like limes, the acidity in tangerines, similar to nectarines, can be tough on a sensitive dog’s stomach.

What happens when dogs eat tangerine peels? Are they toxic?

Sharing tangerines with your dog is one thing, but if they really get a taste for them, they might try to snag one from your shopping bag and eat the whole thing, peel and all. It’s pretty unlikely, though, since tangerine peels are bitter and taste pretty gross. But if your dog does end up eating a tangerine peel, don’t worry—it’s not toxic.

Tangerine peels are not toxic to dogs

So, what happens if your dog eats a tangerine peel? The peel is tough and packed with fiber, so it might be a little hard for your dog to digest, which could cause some mild stomach issues like diarrhea or vomiting. But overall, tangerine peels aren’t harmful.

It’s not something you want to make a habit of, but it’s not going to do any serious damage. Just keep an eye on them and make sure they’re not munching on too much of it.

Important note: dogs that shouldn’t eat tangerines

Overweight dogs: First, let’s talk about overweight dogs. If your dog is carrying extra weight, you really need to watch their sugar intake, and that includes natural sugars from fruits like tangerines. This is especially important if your dog is pre-diabetic or diabetic. In these cases, it’s best to skip the tangerines altogether and stick to low-sugar snacks.
Dogs with sensitive stomachs: Next, there are dogs with sensitive stomachs. For these dogs, tangerines might not be the best idea since the acidity can cause digestive issues like stomach upset, diarrhea, or even vomiting. If your dog has a delicate digestive system, it’s probably safer to avoid giving them tangerines and stick to more gentle foods.
Picky eaters: Finally, there are dogs that just don’t eat well—the ones you have to coax into eating with things like a Kong toy stuffed with kibble. If your dog is picky and tends to hold out for treats, giving them tangerines or other fruits might make the problem worse. They could start ignoring their regular food in favor of the sweeter stuff, which isn’t a habit you want to encourage.

So, tangerines can be a safe and refreshing treat for dogs, but always keep an eye on their overall sugar intake and be mindful of any potential stomach sensitivities.

Love, life, and fur forever!


These are the most popular questions. If you have more, please leave a comment below!

Can dogs eat tangerine peels?

I wouldn’t recommend it, but if your dog happens to eat a tangerine peel, don’t worry—it’s not toxic. Just keep an eye out for any signs of stomach upset, like mild diarrhea or vomiting.

Can dogs eat tangerines or clementines?

Yes, your dog can eat both tangerines and clementines in moderation. Just be careful not to give your dog too much sugar, and pay attention to how your dog’s stomach handles citrus fruits.

Can dogs eat Halo tangerines?

Yes, Halo tangerines are safe for your dog to eat in small amounts, just like other tangerines.

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