Can Dogs Eat Scallops?

Yes, dogs can eat scallops in moderation, as long as you cook them without any seasonings, butter, or oil. Scallops are packed with protein, magnesium, and potassium, which can give your dog a nice boost of nutrients. Just make sure to cook them to avoid any nasty bacteria. Serve them in small portions as a special treat, not as a regular meal.

scallops shells and meat and a dog

How to tell if your dog is allergic to scallops?

First, when it comes to introducing new foods, just like with babies, do it slowly! And before experimenting with seafood, call your vet and see what they say about it. Our dog likes some fish, but one type of fish — seabass — caused an allergic reaction because we gave him the fish head to chew on. We do this with baked or grilled trout, and he loves it! So, we thought, okay, we can give him seabass as well. It was so scary, as he was coughing and wheezing, and we had to take him to the vet to get an antihistamine shot. He eats trout and cooked salmon and adores tuna, so we never imagined he would have an allergic reaction. But these mistakes and mishaps can happen. That panicky situation was actually one of the reasons we started this website — to make a database of all things dogs can eat, with research papers linked when we can find the source. In science, we trust, and in knowledge that has empirical evidence. In cases where we don’t have empirical evidence, we try to lean on our common sense, expert vets, and just our experience with animals.

How do you tell if your dog is allergic to scallops? If your dog had shellfish before without any issues, scallops should be safe to eat. Just keep it simple and ensure they are well-cooked. If you suspect your dog might be allergic to scallops, watch for the following signs after feeding them:

Itching and scratching: Excessive scratching or itching, especially around the face, paws, or ears.
Digestive issues: Symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, or an upset stomach can indicate an allergic reaction.
Swelling: Look for any swelling around the face, muzzle, or throat.
Hives or rashes: Red, irritated skin or small, raised bumps can be signs of an allergic reaction.
Lethargy: Unusual tiredness or lack of energy after eating scallops might signal an allergy.

If you notice any of these symptoms, stop feeding your dog scallops right away and consult your vet for further advice.

Raw scallops and risks of bacteria

While most dogs might be okay if they eat raw scallops, it’s not something we recommend. Like other raw shellfish, raw scallops may contain harmful bacteria and parasites that affect your dog’s health. Cooking scallops thoroughly eliminates these risks, destroying the bacteria and potential toxins.

Scallops are filter feeders, meaning they can accumulate toxins from their environment. If scallops are harvested from polluted waters, they can contain higher levels of these harmful substances. Even though some dogs might not show immediate adverse effects after consuming raw scallops, the risk of bacterial infection or toxin exposure makes it safer to always serve them cooked.

Freshness and the source of the scallops are crucial factors. The risks might be lower if you have access to fresh scallops from a non-polluted area. However, it’s hard to guarantee the safety and purity of raw scallops, so it is best to stay safe. To avoid potential health issues, always serve cooked scallops to your dog.

Help, my dog ate a box of raw scallops

If your dog ate a box of raw scallops, the primary concern is potential bacterial contamination, which could cause an upset stomach, vomiting, or diarrhea. While raw scallops aren’t toxic, keeping a close eye on your dog for any signs of gastrointestinal distress is important. Here’s what you can do:

Keep an eye out for symptoms: Look for symptoms of an upset stomach, such as vomiting or diarrhea.
Withhold food: It’s a good idea to withhold food for a few hours to settle your dog’s stomach.
Offer canned pumpkin: The high fiber content of canned pumpkin can help soothe your dog’s digestive system.
Know your sources: To minimize the risk of bacterial contamination, please buy your seafood from certified and reputable sources.

Don’t let your dog eat fresh scallops or any seafood washed up on the beach.

Don’t let your dog eat fresh scallops or any seafood washed up on the beach. In early 2018, dogs in eastern England got sick after eating starfish and crab from beaches post-storm. Nine dogs got sick, and two died, showing symptoms like sickness and paralysis. Tests found high levels of toxins causing paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) in flatfish, starfish, and crab. These toxins were also found in samples from the affected dogs. This incident highlighted the dangers of PSP in canines. In 2022, there was an incident where scallops were washed up on a coast in Florida, but no dogs were harmed then. We’re just telling you that this can happen anywhere. Keep your dogs safe by avoiding washed-up seafood!

Health benefits of scallops for dogs

Scallops offer several health benefits for dogs, like providing healthy omega-3 that helps their immune systems, making them a nutritious treat when served in moderation. Here are some of the key benefits:

High-quality protein: Scallops are a great source of protein, which is important for muscle development and overall energy. Protein supports the maintenance of healthy tissues and helps repair damaged cells. For a 5kg dog, 1-2 small scallops (about 10-15 grams) per week can provide a good protein boost.
Rich in magnesium: The magnesium in scallops supports bone health and also plays a part in how other essential minerals, like calcium and phosphorus, are absorbed. You may have guessed, but this helps build strong bones and teeth. Offering your 5-kg dog occasionally one small scallop can help with its magnesium intake.
Potassium content: Scallops are also rich in potassium. Potassium, among other things helps maintain healthy nerves and muscles. Potassium helps regulate fluid balance, nerve signals, and muscle contractions. For a 5kg dog, a small piece of scallop (around 5 grams) a few times a month can be beneficial.
Omega-3 fatty acids: Scallops contain omega-3 fatty acids that help dogs have shiny hair and healthy skin. In addition, omega-3 fights inflammation and supports heart and brain health. Including half a small scallop (around 5 grams) in your dog’s diet once a week can help ensure they get these beneficial fats.

Always cook scallops thoroughly and serve them plain, without any seasonings, butter, or oil. This way, you can ensure your dog enjoys the health benefits safely.

Nutrient5kg (Small Dog) – Yorkshire Terrier15kg (Medium Dog) – Beagle25kg (Large Dog) – Border Collie35kg (Extra Large Dog) – Labrador45kg (Giant Dog) – Great Dane
Protein1-2 small scallops (10-15g)3-4 small scallops (30g)5-6 small scallops (50g)7-8 small scallops (70g)9-10 small scallops (90g)
Magnesium1 small scallop (10g) occasionally2 small scallops (20g)3 small scallops (30g)4 small scallops (40g)5 small scallops (50g)
Potassium1 piece (5g) a few times a month2 pieces (10g) a few times a month3 pieces (15g) a few times a month4 pieces (20g) a few times a month5 pieces (25g) a few times a month
Omega-31/2 small scallop (5g) per week1 small scallop (10g) per week2 small scallops (20g) per week3 small scallops (30g) per week4 small scallops (40g) per week

In short, scallops can be a healthy treat for your dog if they are cooked and served plain. Raw scallops can carry harmful bacteria and toxins, so it’s best to avoid them. Make sure to only offer scallops from clean sources and avoid any that have washed up on the beach. Keep your dog safe by sticking to cooked scallops in moderation.

Love, life, and fur forever!


Can dogs eat raw scallops?

We don’t recommend it. Raw scallops can have bacteria and parasites. It’s best to cook them thoroughly before serving them to your dog.

Can dogs eat cooked scallops?

Yes, dogs can enjoy cooked scallops in moderation. Make sure they are plain and fully cooked without any seasonings, butter, or oil.

Can dogs eat sea scallops?

Yes, dogs can eat sea scallops as long as they are cooked and plain. They are a great source of lean protein and essential nutrients.

Can dogs eat fried scallops?

No, it’s best to avoid fried scallops. The frying process adds unhealthy fats and seasonings that aren’t good for your dog’s health.

Can dogs eat bay scallops?

Yes, dogs can eat bay scallops if they are cooked and plain. Like sea scallops, they should be given in moderation as a treat.

Can puppies eat scallops?

Puppies have sensitive stomachs, so it’s best to introduce any new food in small amounts to see how they react. A tiny piece of cooked scallop can be given as an occasional treat.

These are the most popular FAQs. If you have more questions, please leave a comment!

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