Can Dogs Eat Pecan Pie?

Another of our favorite fall-baked goodies is pecan pie, which is not good for dogs!

dog looking at a slice of pecan pie with whole pecan nuts

Similar to pumpkin pie, apple pie, and other fall favorite treats, pecan pie is still just sugar, flour, and butter, all of which are not good for dogs.

I wrote in detail about why dogs shouldn’t eat pecan nuts, and although there are teeny tiny toxic substances in them, pecans are not toxic to dogs in the amount you’ll have in pecan pie. Actually, even a couple of whole pecans won’t do anything bad to your dog immediately.

But these baked goods don’t have the nutrients that dogs need, so it’s better if you don’t give your dog pecan pie.

What would happen if my dog ate pecan pie?

As pecans are not toxic to dogs in small amounts, if your dog eats a lot of pecan pie, they will probably end up with stomach upset.

Some of the symptoms may include:

Stomach pain and discomfort: When this happens, you will notice your dog being quiet, maybe curling up in their bed or away from you, and their tummy may feel hard and bloated.
Diarrhea: Sugar and fat often cause runny and watery poops, especially in small dogs.
Gas: Stomach upset can also include gas, where your dog’s stomach will be bloated, and you’ll probably even hear them passing gas!
Lack of appetite: Dogs can be very clever, and they usually refuse food when they have upset stomachs.

Pecan pie ingredients that we don’t share with dogs

Even though there’s nothing toxic in pecan pies, they are still not recommended to dogs!


First, we have pecans that are high in fat, hard to crush, and not dog-friendly. Dogs generally shouldn’t eat nuts, although most nuts are not toxic to dogs. If they swallow a whole pecan nut, there’s a possibility that they will choke, so please be careful if you decorate a pecan pie with whole pecan nuts on top.

Sugar and sweeteners

Sweeteners like brown sugar, cane syrup, molasses, maple syrup, and honey are not recommended for dogs. All of these sweeteners, including natural and healthy ones like honey, aren’t meant for dogs as they don’t need sugar.

So before you say – but dogs can eat fruit, and fruit is sugar – let me tell you there’s a difference in how dogs metabolize fructose (fruit sugar) and glucose (regular sugar). I mentioned this when I wrote about why dogs can’t eat maple syrup. If they eat too much, they will become hyperactive, then become lethargic, and in the long run, gain weight and become obese!

I also want to add that corn syrup is one of the worst things you can give to your dog. The amount in pecan pie is not toxic, so don’t worry about that, but corn syrup will spike their blood sugar pretty fast. I won’t deny it; it’s absolutely great for the pie as it helps you create that smooth pie filling, but your dog shouldn’t have it as it’s pure concentrated sugar their system can’t process very well.


I already said that the combination of sugar and flour is the worst when you add fats! Typically, we use butter or sometimes margarine for pecan pies, and this can cause digestive upset in dogs.

Too much fat in combination with sugar can increase the risk of pancreatitis, and that can be painful and dangerous for dogs. While pancreatitis can only be triggered by fatty foods, we’re still talking about increasing chances for something bad to happen to them. It’s similar to how you tell people not to smoke if they don’t want to end up with cancer.

Even though it’s tempting to share fall baked goods, in this fall baking series, I’m diving deeper into the ingredients and combinations we use to make our favorite treats like pecan pie, pumpkin pie, cinnamon rolls, banana bread, or cornbread, and urging you not to share them with your dog.

Stick to plain apples, homemade pumpkin treats, and their favorite vet-approved snacks, but keep these to just 10% of their diet and only offer them occasionally.

Happy snacking!

Love, life, and fur forever!


What happens if my dog eats pecan pie?

Probably nothing. Depending on the size of your dog and how well they tolerate new foods, especially those with lots of fat and sugar, they may experience some digestive discomfort, but nothing more serious. If they eat a lot of pecan pie, expect them to throw up and have diarrhea. The best you can do is watch them closely for the whole day and give them a good, nutritious meal next time.

Are pecans safe for dogs to eat?

Pecans are not toxic to dogs, even though they contain some compounds that dogs are sensitive to. However, they are not safe because they are quite large nuts, which makes them hard to chew, crush, and swallow.

Are dogs allergic to pecan pie?

Pecan nut allergies are not very common in dogs, but if you think your dog is acting strange after eating some pecans, please call your vet.

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