Can Dogs Eat Parmesan Cheese?

Yes, adult dogs can eat parmesan cheese, but you should avoid feeding it to puppies. Parmesan cheese is safe for dogs because it has a very low lactose content, making it a suitable occasional treat. However, it’s best to offer it in small amounts since it’s quite salty. Remember that any cheese, including parmesan, should be off-limits if your dog is lactose intolerant. Also, avoid giving parmesan cheese to puppies, as their digestive systems aren’t developed enough to handle it.

dog looking at parmesan cheese

Parmesan isn’t particularly beneficial for dogs but isn’t harmful in small quantities. If your dog happens to sneak some from your table, there’s no need to worry. Just remember, moderation is key, and it’s not something you should give your dog every day.

Is parmesan cheese safe for dogs?

So, how did we end up discussing parmesan for dogs? Well, it turns out that some dogs like cheese—the stinkier, the better—and there have been cases where dogs accidentally ate a pound of parmesan!

The short answer is yes. Parmesan is not toxic to dogs and is safe as a treat in small amounts. However, we don’t recommend making it a regular part of your dog’s diet due to its high salt content. Too much salt can lead to health issues like dehydration and increased blood pressure, and it can also upset your dog’s stomach. So, while a tiny bit of parmesan as an occasional treat won’t harm your dog, it’s best to avoid giving it to them frequently. As with most of cheese, it’s best you share in moderation.

What happens if dogs eat too much parmesan?

If your dog eats too much parmesan cheese, it can cause some problems. Many adult dogs are lactose intolerant, so eating a lot of cheese can make them gassy and crampy and give them diarrhea. Plus, the high-fat content in cheese can lead to pancreatitis, which means pancreas inflammation. This can cause severe belly pain and other serious issues. Since it’s too late to make your dog vomit if they ate the cheese last night, watch them for any signs of discomfort. If they seem off, contact your vet right away.

Most dogs are lactose intolerant

However, some European dogs have evolved a genetic mutation that helps them digest lactose, making them better adapted to milk-based diets than other dogs.

There’s a study about how dogs evolved living with humans and how European dogs can digest lactose better! European dogs have evolved a specific genetic mutation that helps them digest lactose, the sugar in milk. This mutation in the LCT gene makes it easier for these dogs to digest milk, similar to how some humans can digest milk better than others. In simpler terms, while many adult dogs might have trouble digesting milk (lactose intolerance), certain European dogs have developed a genetic change that allows them to handle milk better. This change is due to their long history of living with humans who practiced dairy farming.

So, while parmesan cheese is not toxic to dogs and is quite safe in small amounts, it’s not the best treat due to its high sodium and fat content. If your dog snips a bit of parmesan, there’s no need to panic, but it’s wise to avoid making it a regular part of their diet. Always monitor your dog’s reaction to new foods and consult your vet if you have any concerns.

Love, life, and fur forever!


Can dogs eat grated parmesan cheese?

Yes, dogs can eat grated parmesan cheese in small amounts. Since it has a low lactose content, it’s generally safe for dogs. However, like any cheese, it has high sodium and fat content, so it’s best to give it only occasionally as a treat.

Can dogs eat parmesan cheese rind?

It’s not recommended to give your dog parmesan cheese rind. The rind can be very hard and difficult to chew, posing a choking hazard or causing damage to your dog’s teeth. Additionally, the high sodium content is not suitable for dogs. It’s better to stick to small amounts of the cheese itself if you want to treat your dog.

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