Can Dogs Eat Nutella?

You probably heard how dangerous chocolate is for dogs. Then, how fat is bad for dogs. Then, it’s no surprise that dogs should never eat Nutella.

Dogs and Nutella are not a good mix. It’s an absolute no. Despite Nutella having a bit less cocoa than your average chocolate bar, it’s packed with stuff that’s not dog-friendly — like a boatload of sugar, vegetable oil, and milk.

a bowl of nutella and a small dog

Is Nutella unhealthy for dogs?

Nutella is definitely on the “do not feed” list for dogs. The primary concern with Nutella is its chocolate content. Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, which are toxic to dogs in sufficient quantities. Even though the amount of chocolate in Nutella might be small, it’s better to err on caution and never give it to your dog. On top of that, the high sugar and fat content in Nutella can lead to obesity and other health issues in dogs if consumed regularly.

Why is Nutella not recommended for dogs?

Aside from chocolate, Nutella contains a high level of sugar and fat, which are unsuitable for a dog’s diet. Consuming foods high in sugar can lead to dental problems, diabetes, and obesity in dogs. The high fat content can cause pancreatitis, a severe and potentially fatal condition. Nutella also includes palm oil, which can be harmful in large amounts, causing stomach upset and, in some cases, more severe health issues.

What should you do if your dog eats Nutella?

If your dog eats some Nutella, there’s probably nothing that you should do, as Nutella is not toxic for dogs. However, here are some practical tips.

Don’t panic, but monitor them closely for any signs of distress. If they consumed a small amount, they might be okay but watch for symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, or increased thirst.
Call your vet immediately for larger amounts or if you notice any symptoms.

In conclusion, while sharing our favorite treats with our dogs is tempting, Nutella should not be on their menu. Instead, opt for dog-safe snacks like plain, cooked chicken or carrots, which can provide a healthy and satisfying treat. Remember, when it comes to feeding our pets, it’s best to stick to foods that are known to be safe and healthy for them.

Love, life, and fur forever.


Can dogs eat Nutella breadsticks?

Definitely not a good idea. Even though Nutella and breadsticks might not be toxic, the combo isn’t healthy for pups. Stick to dog-safe treats!

Is Nutella toxic for dogs?

No, Nutella isn’t highly toxic for dogs due to its relatively low chocolate content. However, it’s still not recommended because of its sugar and fat, which aren’t healthy for dogs.

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