Can Dogs Eat Marshmallows?

Marshmallows are another of those categories—not toxic, but really not a good idea (unless you ask your dog!). Dogs shouldn’t eat marshmallows as they are full of sugar and empty calories, but thankfully, they are not toxic, and a small amount won’t be dangerous to your dog.

dog looking at colorful marshmallows

The main problem with marshmallows is that they are just pure sugar and gelatin, and they often taste amazing, so there’s a good chance your dog likes them a lot! But they really don’t belong in their diet! Eating too much candy can cause health issues, maybe some you won’t notice immediately, but in the long run, it’s best to help your dog get the best nutrients and skip the marshmallows.

What are marshmallows made of?

Marshmallows are made of clouds, magic, and unicorn mane! But they are also made of sugar, gelatin, and quite often corn syrup. When they make them in factories, they mix the ingredients and heat them up until they create the whipped, creamy, airy fluff that we all know. Once it’s cooled, they shape it, add food colors and flavors, and make the puffy stuff we see and buy in stores.

Why are marshmallows bad for dogs?

The main reason I say marshmallows are bad for dogs is because they are full of sugar. So, while they are not deadly, marshmallows are simply not good for dogs. They are not as bad for dogs as chocolate, but along with some other holiday treats like caramel, candied apples, Jelly Beans, and maple syrup, they will cause a sugar overload and make your dog really sick!

If your dog grabs a bag of marshmallows and eats a lot, it’s possible they will end up with an upset stomach and might have to vomit due to the sugar overload. They can also have diarrhea and feel a little sick.

If they ate a tiny piece or just a couple of marshmallows, they will be fine and have no symptoms whatsoever.

That doesn’t mean it’s okay to give them some!

Here’s what you need to watch for if your dog ate a whole bag (or two) of marshmallows:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Swollen tummy, bloating, or gas
  • Lethargy or looking like their stomach is hurting
  • Drooling
  • Restlessness or pacing

This can be different if you have a very small dog or if your dog has a health condition! But if you think your dog is unwell and refuses to drink water or show all the signs from above, please call the vet and get there!

It would be good to know or figure out just how many marshmallows they ate and bring the package to the vet so they can check the ingredients.

Again, to save you the money, if they ate some but seem fine, then you don’t have to go to the vet, as they will bounce back after their next normal meal.

A tiny piece of marshmallow can be a good bribe

Some vets recommend using marshmallows to give dogs medicine, especially if they have to take it on an empty stomach. If that’s the case, take the smallest marshmallow that can fit the pill, and make sure to read the label and be 100% sure that it doesn’t have xylitol!

When marshmallows are dangerous

Marshmallows can be dangerous for dogs when they contain artificial sweeteners like xylitol.

Take, for example, Max Mallow Marshmallows, advertised as keto, paleo, and diabetic-friendly marshmallows, which have birch sweetener with xylitol! These ones can be lethal for your dog! Please pay extra attention if you eat this kind of stuff.

Xylitol is extremely toxic to dogs because it causes a rapid drop in blood sugar. This can lead to serious health problems like seizures and liver failure. It needs to be treated right away, so make sure you don’t have marshmallows with xylitol anywhere near your dog!

Love, life, and fur forever!


Can dogs eat mini marshmallows?

Mini marshmallows are made from the same ingredients as regular marshmallows, and they are not good for dogs. Like regular ones, they are full of sugar and can cause stomach issues for your dog. Don’t indulge them; instead, choose better snacks. But if your dog ate some, don’t worry—mini marshmallows are not toxic to dogs.

Can dogs eat marshmallow fluff?

Dogs shouldn’t eat marshmallow fluff, either. It’s made with the same basic ingredients as mini and regular marshmallows—sugar, corn syrup, and gelatin. It’s just empty calories with no nutritional value.

Can dogs eat Jet-Puffed marshmallows?

If your dog accidentally eats a few Jet-Puffed marshmallows, don’t panic—they aren’t toxic. However, they are full of sugar, and that’s not something your dog needs.

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