Can Dogs Eat Lychee?

Dogs can eat lychee, but should they? Not really. There’s nothing inherently bad about lychee—it’s not toxic and is incredibly tasty when ripe. However, the skin is not healthy for dogs, and dogs can easily choke on the seed, especially small dogs. Similar to what we said about dragon fruit, if you’re eating some lychee and your dog is begging for a treat, you can give them a small amount, but make sure to remove the seed and skin first.

lychee is safe in small amounts without the skin and seed
the skin is unhealthy for dogs
the seed can be a choking hazard
always remove the seed and skin before giving lychee to your dog.
dog and lychee with pit and flesh

Now, should dogs eat lychee? Well, not really. It doesn’t make much sense. Unlike apples, which are healthy, crunchy, and easy to feed, lychee is tricky, expensive, and not really a dog-type of fruit. The preparation isn’t worth the effort when there are plenty of other fruits that are easier to handle and more beneficial for your dog’s health. Stick to fruits like apples or blueberries that your dog can benefit from.

Is lychee safe for dogs?

Lychee can be safe for dogs if prepared correctly, but there are several parts of the fruit that should be avoided. Here’s a closer look at the skin, seeds, and canned lychee.

Lychee skin

Lychee skin is not safe for dogs to eat. The rough, bumpy texture of the skin can be hard to chew and digest and it can scratch their throat. Additionally, the skin contains compounds that can cause digestive upset. If your dog ingests lychee skin, they might experience symptoms like vomiting or diarrhea. Always remove the skin before offering lychee to your dog.

Lychee seeds

Lychee seeds are a significant choking hazard, especially for small dogs. The seeds are large and hard, making them difficult to chew. If swallowed whole, they can obstruct the digestive tract, which can be dangerous and potentially require surgical intervention. Even if the seed is chewed, the fragments can still cause harm.

Canned lychee

Canned lychee is not recommended for dogs. These lychees are often packed in syrup, which is high in sugar. Too much sugar is of couse not heatlhy. Moreover, the preservatives and additives in canned lychee can also be harmful to dogs. It’s best to avoid giving canned lychee to your dog and stick to fresh lychee, ensuring you remove the skin and seed first. That’s if you want to bother in the first place.

Love, life, and fur forever!


Can dogs eat fresh lychee?

Yes, dogs can eat fresh lychee in small amounts, but you must remove the skin and seed first to ensure their safety.

Is lychee toxic to dogs?

No, lychee is not toxic to dogs. However, the skin and seed can cause digestive issues and choking hazards, so they should be removed before feeding.

What happens if my dog eats lychee skin?

If your dog eats lychee skin, they might experience digestive upset, including vomiting or diarrhea. Your dog will be fine, but keep an eye on them, just to be sure.

Are lychee seeds dangerous for dogs?

Yes, lychee seeds are a choking hazard and can obstruct the digestive tract if swallowed whole. Always remove the seed before giving lychee to your dog.

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