Can Dogs Eat Limes?

No, dogs should not eat limes. While it’s true that most dogs don’t like the taste of limes and typically avoid them, limes are considered toxic for dogs. Now, the toxic ingredients in limes are mostly found in the peel, leaves, and stems. There are three things to watch out for with limes — acidity, essential oils, and psoralen compounds, that can be harmful if ingested. These substances can cause digestive issues like vomiting and diarrhea and in severe cases, can lead to liver problems.

two limes, cut in half and a dog

So, what does this mean for your dog? No more lime with tequila? Jokes aside, no, you should be careful if you have a lime tree in your backyard or if your dog somehow grabs a lime from your shopping bag. We only use lime for cooking and salads, but our dog stays away and is not interested in it. Sometimes, we make a grilled mackerel with broccoli and some parmesan that our dog loves, but we make sure to give him a slice before we sprinkle it with lime, as that’s how we eat it.

Why are limes bad for dogs?

Limes are bad for dogs because they contain toxic compounds that can cause a range of health issues. The essential oils limonene and linalool are primarily found in the lime peel, while the flesh contains smaller amounts. Psoralens, another toxic compound, are also concentrated in the peel. Ingesting a small amount of lime flesh might only cause mild gastrointestinal upset, but consuming larger quantities, especially the peel, can be more serious. Lime trees also produce these toxic compounds, so it’s vital to ensure that dogs don’t rub up against the trees or chew on the leaves or bark.

How likely is lime poisoning to happen to your dog?

Very unlikely, and here’s the common sense answer. Your dog, even if it’s a small dog, would have to eat quite a lot of limes for them to have a toxic effect. The skin contains essential oils that are toxic for dogs, but they cause a problem only if ingested in large amounts! Honestly, most dogs simply won’t do that, as limes with skin taste bitter and yucky. Even if they have some, you’ll probably have to deal with vomiting and diarrhea because their stomach will be upset. That is only if they accidentally eat some. As a responsible owner, you should never give your dogs limes!

It’s doubtful that your dog will eat enough limes for toxicity to occur

Most dogs will never manage to eat that many limes to be toxic, and lime poisoning is rare in the dog world.

Symptoms of lime poisoning (limonene, linalool, and psoralens)

If your dog eats a loose lime, they may show signs of the following health issues:

  • Stomach issues: The citric acid in limes can cause heartburn, acid reflux, and indigestion.
  • Acute poisoning (very rare, since dogs don’t like limes): Limes are very sour, so dogs usually don’t eat much, but if they do, they might become lethargic, vomit, drool a lot, have diarrhea, lose coordination, have low blood pressure, or tremble. Severe cases can lead to liver failure.
  • Jaundiced gums or skin and phototoxicity: Psoralen in lime peels and leaves can cause rashes and skin discoloration. If your dog gets psoralen on their skin, sunlight can make it painful and irritated.
  • General symptoms: Vomiting, diarrhea, depression, and potential dermatitis. While the fruit itself is edible, the skins and plant material can cause significant problems.

Help, my dog had some lime pie!

Do not worry! While you shouldn’t share the key lime pie with your dog because of the other ingredients like sugar, graham crackers, and sweetened condensed milk, a piece of lime pie is not dangerous for your dog.

Also, for those who make TikTok funny videos about dogs eating a slice of lime or making weird faces when licking lime – you know better than to do that, but just for the sake of your sanity (if you landed here looking for answers about toxicity) your dog will be fine and a slice of lime won’t be toxic!

I hope you learned much about this topic and are no longer worried about your dog eating limes! Still, please be careful, and if you have a crazy labrador who eats limes from your garden, tell him no and call your vet if you notice any of the symptoms!

Love, life, and fur forever!


Can dogs eat limes?

While limes are not safe for dogs due to their toxic compounds, it generally takes more than one lime to be harmful. It’s best to avoid giving limes to your dog.

Can dogs eat lime juice?

No, dogs should not consume lime juice. It contains high acidity and toxic compounds that can upset their digestion and cause other health issues.

Can dogs eat human food with lime juice?

No, dogs should not eat human food containing lime juice. The acidity can cause stomach upset and other health problems for dogs.

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