Can Dogs Eat Goldfish Crackers?

A good rule of thumb is that human snacks aren’t ideal for dogs due to salt, vegetable oils, and artificial colors. But don’t stress too much if your dog ate a couple of Goldfish crackers. If your dog ate some Goldfish crackers, no worries—they should be fine. There’s nothing toxic in them, but they aren’t the best nutritional choice for your pups. In this article, we’ll cover what to expect if they eat some and what to do if they eat a lot.

dogs looking to eat goldfish crackers

Are Goldfish crackers unhealthy for dogs?

As we said, they are not dangerous or toxic, but there’s really nothing in them that makes them even a remotely good choice for your dogs. If you want to know why, here’s the breakdown:

  • High salt content: Dogs require only a small amount of sodium in their diets. Excessive salt intake can lead to dehydration or sodium ion poisoning in severe cases.
  • Artificial colors and preservatives: These chemicals might be safe for humans but can harm dogs, potentially causing allergic reactions or other health issues.
  • Vegetable oils and fats: While dogs need fats in their diet, the types and amounts found in processed snacks like Goldfish crackers are not ideal for them. These oils can cause upset stomach.
  • Lack of nutritional value: Goldfish crackers do not provide any nutritional benefits to dogs. They lack the necessary proteins, vitamins, and minerals that dogs need to maintain a healthy diet.

Okay, they are not healthy, but are they safe?

Goldish crackers are safe for dogs, but they are not recommended. They are usually made of the following ingredients:

  • Wheat flour: This is the main ingredient, providing the crackers with their structure and bulk.
  • Vegetable oils: Commonly used oils include canola, sunflower, and/or soybean oil, which add fat for flavor and texture.
  • Cheddar cheese: This gives the crackers their classic cheesy flavor. The cheese used is typically aged for flavor.
  • Salt: Adds flavor to the crackers.
  • Yeast: Helps the crackers rise during baking.
  • Sugar: A small amount is added for a hint of sweetness.
  • Baking powder: Acts as a leavening agent, helping the crackers puff up during the baking process.
  • Seasonings and spices: Depending on the flavor, additional seasonings and spices may be added to enhance taste.

None of these ingredients is toxic or dangerous. However, if your dog ate a lot of Goldfish, please keep an eye on them, especially if you have a small dog.

A common misconception about dogs eating Goldfish

A common misconception is that Goldfish crackers are toxic to dogs because they contain onion and garlic powder. These ingredients are harmful in large amounts but present in such small quantities in Goldfish that they pose little risk. A dog would need to consume around 3125 Goldfish crackers to reach a potentially toxic dose of onion or garlic!

Debunking the myth: onion and garlic powder toxicity

Generally, toxic doses of onion and garlic for dogs are around 0.5% of the dog’s body weight. Given that Goldfish crackers contain only trace amounts of these ingredients, a dog would have to consume an impractically large amount of crackers to reach a toxic dose.

Let’s consider the toxicity levels of onion and garlic for dogs.

Goldfish crackers contain only trace amounts of onion and garlic powder. Let’s assume the worst-case scenario where the total content of these powders is 1% of a Goldfish cracker’s weight:

  • Weight of a Goldfish Cracker: Approximately 0.8 grams.
  • Onion/Garlic Content: 1% of 0.8 grams = 0.008 grams per cracker.

To reach the toxic dose for a 20-pound dog:

  • Toxic Dose: 25 grams of onion/garlic.
  • Number of Crackers: 25 grams / 0.008 grams per cracker = 3125 crackers.

So, based on this rough estimation, a dog would need to consume around 3125 Goldfish crackers to reach a potentially toxic dose of onion or garlic!

What will happen if your dog eats some Goldfish?

If your dog sneaks a few Goldfish crackers, they’ll likely be okay, assuming they don’t have any food allergies. From our own experience, eating snacks high in starch and carbs can lead to a sugar crash, making them just lie down and rest.

Some dogs can experience unpleasant gas after eating such snacks or drink more water because of the salt.

It’s important to remember that many foods deemed “toxic” to dogs are usually only harmful in large quantities. Eating a small amount of Goldfish crackers won’t harm your dog, but it’s not advisable to make it a habit. Offering human food can encourage bad behaviors, like begging, and create an expectation in your dog that they will always get to share your snacks.

Instead, opt for treats made specifically for dogs, ensuring these treats don’t constitute more than 10% of your dog’s diet. This approach helps maintain a healthy nutritional balance and reinforces proper eating habits.

Love, life, and fur forever.


Can dogs eat pizza Goldfish?

Pizza Goldfish contain flavors and seasonings that are not ideal for dogs, so while a few won’t hurt, they shouldn’t be a regular treat.

Can dogs eat parmesan Goldfish?

Dogs can eat parmesan Goldfish in very small amounts, but the cheese and salt content means they’re not a healthy snack option.

Can dogs eat extra cheddar or cheddar Goldfish?

Both extra cheddar and cheddar Goldfish are safe for dogs in very small quantities, but due to their high salt and dairy content, they are not a healthy snack choice and should be given sparingly.

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