Can Dogs Eat Fish Sticks?

Yes, dogs can eat fish sticks, and fish sticks are safe for dogs. But honestly, I don’t consider fish sticks a healthy addition to their diet. The reason comes down to how we prepare them and the ingredients in the breading. Fish sticks are usually made from processed fish, coated in breadcrumbs, and then deep-fried. While the fish itself might be okay, the rest of it isn’t really dog friendly. So, it’s not like they are not safe; it’s just they aren’t the best protein in the world, like a wild-caught salmon would be.

fish sticks and a dog

I’m not a fan of deep-fried food for dogs, especially when it’s cooked in seed oils or palm oil, which are commonly used in commercial kitchens. These oils are high in unhealthy fats and can contribute to weight gain and other health issues.

It’s kind of like how chicken nuggets aren’t good for dogs, and hash browns can be tough on their stomachs because of all the fat. Fish sticks fall into that same category. So, while it’s not a disaster if your dog eats some, it’s best to keep them as an occasional treat and not make it a regular thing.

Are fish sticks safe for dogs?

Sure, fish sticks are safe for dogs. The breadcrumbs are generally fine, even if they have a bit of garlic or onion powder in it. There’s a common misconception that the small amount of these spices in fish sticks can be toxic, but honestly, the quantities are so tiny they’re not harmful. Plus, not all fish sticks even have garlic or onion powder in the first place.

Now, fried food like fish sticks is safe, too, but it’s not something I’d recommend, especially if your dog has a sensitive stomach. Fried foods are heavy on fat, which can be hard for your dog to digest and might give them an upset stomach. So, while it’s not the end of the world if your dog has a fish stick every now and then, it’s better to keep these treats to a minimum to avoid any tummy troubles.

What to do if your dog is sick after eating too many fish sticks?

If your dog gets sick after eating too many fish sticks, it’s most likely because of the fat. The first signs you might notice are:

A swollen tummy that looks painful.
Some runny poop.
A lack of interest in eating.

Your dog won’t get too sick from fish sticks

Don’t worry too much—just make sure they have plenty of water and encourage them to eat something bland, like cooked rice or pumpkin. Some cooked chicken meat is also a good idea. Your dog should start feeling better with some rest and a bland diet. Everything will be fine.

Are oven-baked fish sticks better for dogs?

Oven-baked fish sticks are definitely a better option for dogs compared to deep-fried or pan-fried ones. The big difference comes down to the amount of fat used. When fish sticks are deep-fried or fried in a pan, they absorb a lot of oil. This can irritate your dog’s digestive system, especially if they have a sensitive stomach, and can lead to issues like bloating, upset stomach, and weight gain over time. It’s even worse if you have a small dog.

On the other hand, oven-baked fish sticks are cooked without all that extra oil, which actually makes them a low-fat treat. They’re still not exactly a health food for dogs, but they’re definitely a safer choice. So, if you’re going to let your dog have a taste, oven-baked fish sticks are the way to go.

Love, life, and fur forever!


These are the most popular questions about fish sticks! If you have more, please leave a comment below!

Can dogs eat frozen fish sticks?

It’s not a good idea to give your dog frozen fish sticks straight from the freezer. They’re way too hard for your dog to chew safely and could end up causing dental damage or even be a choking hazard. If you’re thinking about sharing fish sticks with your dog, just make sure they’re fully cooked first.

Can dogs eat pollock fish sticks?

Yes, dogs can eat pollock fish sticks since pollock is a safe fish for them. But remember, the breading and frying still make them less than ideal for regular treats. If you want to give your dog pollock fish sticks, it’s better to go with oven-baked ones to cut down on the fat.

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