Can Dogs Eat Corn?

While dogs can eat corn, and it’s definitely something you can share from time to time, it’s very important to remember that dogs can only eat cooked corn off the cob and low-sodium canned corn!

dog looking at three whole corn on the cob with corn husks

You should never give your dog corn on the cob to munch on, as there’s a really scary and dangerous possibility that they will swallow it whole or chew it and swallow pieces that will get stuck in their system! It’s super scary, so please don’t risk it.

But other than that, corn is a good vegetable with lots of fiber and nutrients.

Should dogs eat corn?

If you’ve ever given your dog corn, you probably noticed corn shells in their poop the next day! Does this mean that dogs don’t digest corn? Actually, no! Dogs can definitely digest corn, but the stuff you see are the shells, which are all insoluble fiber. There are actually some benefits to including some insoluble fiber in your dog’s diet, including helping them regulate bowel movements by adding bulk to the stool.

Another perk is that it may help overweight dogs, as eating fiber will keep them full for longer, and corn goes great with cooked meat and other healthy proteins.

But, to answer the question of whether dogs should eat corn, it’s really up to you. They don’t have to, but they can.

Dogs don’t need corn kernels to be healthy, but if you want to share some, you definitely can. Corn kernels are small enough not to be risky, even if your dog doesn’t chew food well. Whether you give them fresh, boiled, or frozen corn kernels, it’s safe for them as long as you don’t season them with salt, spices, or butter.

However, if making unsalted corn off the cob or buying low-sodium canned versions is not part of your weekly meal prep (which is totally understandable), you can skip corn, and you won’t miss much. There are plenty of other really healthy veggies that dogs should eat as part of their diet. But it’s good to know that corn is also safe. It’s also one of the main ingredients in dog kibble!

The use of corn in dog food

Corn is one of the most common ingredients in dog kibble. Also, it’s not true that it’s just some cheap filler, as corn has lots of good nutrients.

Corn is a healthy carbohydrate and a good source of energy that fuels the entire body. It’s also full of fiber, which supports healthy digestion and improves the quality of your dog’s poop. Corn is often included in dog food because of its energy-rich carbs but also because it adds important vitamins, minerals, and even some protein.

When corn is processed for dog kibble, it makes co-products like corn gluten meal, which is actually a great source of protein. There’s a great study on the use of corn in dog food where you can read everything in detail, but the main point is that corn gluten meal is a healthy source of protein, fiber, and carbs, and it also provides the structure for the kibble, giving it that crunchy texture and shape.

Corn is still a very common ingredient in dog kibble

Funny enough, corn is still popular in dog food, even with the rising trend of grain-free diets for dogs. Most dogs are not allergic to corn. In fact, less than 1.5% of dog food allergies are linked to grains like corn. Overall, corn is a highly digestible ingredient when processed properly and a great part of dog food.

Types of corn and what we can share with dogs

Almost all cooked, low-sodium corn is safe for dogs, including some of our favorites like sweet corn and baby corn.

Baby corn

I adore pickled baby corn, but it’s not something I share with my dog. I’m very careful about not giving my dog any fermented foods, as they are usually high in sodium. But if you have fresh baby corn that you want to grill, bake, or boil, you can share some with your dog without worrying!

Canned corn

While dogs can have canned corn, the best ones are usually the low-sodium versions and corn without added sugars.

If you have a specific brand that you like, check the label, and if you still want to share some with your dog, rinse the corn under water and then offer it as a food topper.

Don’t give them corn mixed with sauces or other things that can have syrups, sugar, and artificial ingredients.

Frozen corn

Frozen corn is another safe option, as it’s basically just fresh, preserved corn. But don’t actually give your dog frozen corn; cook it first and then share.

Uncooked and dried corn

Don’t ever give your dog uncooked dry corn kernels! Don’t even leave uncooked corn, like a bag of popcorn, on the table, especially the microwave stuff that may have salt and butter, as your dog may be tempted to eat it, bag and all. Yikes!

While dogs can eat air-popped popcorn (visit the link to learn more), you shouldn’t deliberately share either popcorn or corn kernels, as they’re just empty calories with lots of risks, like choking, broken teeth, and potential intestinal blockage—not to mention trouble with pooping.

Are corn husks, tamales, and other corn dishes safe for dogs?

Please avoid corn husks that you use for tamales. They are hard to chew and digest, and if your dog swallows a big piece, it can cause trouble in their digestive system.

If you’re reading this during the Thanksgiving season, please remember there’s a good chance your dog will try to steal not only turkey from the table but also some creamed corn!

While we adore creamed corn because it’s cozy, rich, and creamy, it’s full of butter, sugar, and cheese, which is really hard on your dog’s stomach! Please don’t let them indulge or even lick the bowl. Also, the same goes for Thanksgiving corn on the cob with butter and other toppings—that’s definitely not safe for your dog.

The most important question is – can dogs eat corn cobs?

It might seem like a fun idea to give your dog a whole corn cob, especially when they’re excited about food. But honestly, it’s pretty dangerous. If you’ve got a smaller dog, they might give up trying to chew it, but bigger dogs? That’s where the real nightmare comes in.

Big dogs may have a huge bite or even try to swallow the whole cob. If that happens, it’s essential you get your dog to the emergency clinic as soon as possible! A corn cob can get stuck somewhere in your dog’s digestive system, which can cause a serious and life-threatening blockage.

Even if you cut the corn on the cob into smaller pieces, they can still cause an obstruction anywhere in their throat, stomach, or intestines, causing pain.

The worst thing is that corn cobs can’t be digested like food, so they will sit there, causing chaos and hurting your dog.

Please be careful and never give your dog corn on the cob, as the scariest part is that the signs of a blockage don’t always show up right away. Your dog might seem totally fine after swallowing a piece, only to start vomiting, acting lethargic, or showing signs of pain a day or two later. By that point, it’s already a medical emergency. Some dogs need surgery to remove part of their intestines if the blockage has done too much damage.

So, the answer to whether dogs can eat corn on the cob is always NO!

Find safer ways to enjoy corn with your dogs and give them cooked corn off the cob or low-sodium canned corn.

Love, life, and fur forever!


Can dogs eat hominy corn?

Yes, dogs can eat hominy corn, but you really want to keep it in moderation. Hominy is just processed corn, so it’s not harmful, but it does usually have added sodium, and that’s not great for dogs.

Can dogs eat corn cobs?

No, dogs should never eat the cob of corn. Corn cobs are a serious choking hazard and can even cause major blockages in your dog’s intestines. The corn itself is totally fine, but the cob is hard to digest and can lead to big problems if swallowed. So, always take the corn off the cob before giving it to your dog.

Can dogs eat raw corn?

No, raw corn is not good for dogs. It’s very hard on their stomach and can cause issues with digestion, and it’s not a good idea to get them used to eating raw corn.

Can dogs eat corn stalks?

No, corn stalks are a bad idea for dogs. They’re super tough and fibrous, which can be really hard for your dog to digest. If they eat it, they could choke or even get a blockage.

Can dogs eat canned sweet corn?

Yes, dogs can have canned sweet corn, but you’ve got to choose the right one. Go for the low-sodium kind without any added sugars or weird ingredients. Just give it a good rinse to wash off extra salt before letting your dog enjoy it.

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