Can Dogs Eat Chorizo?

Dogs can eat Chorizo, but they really shouldn’t. Chorizo is a highly processed type of sausage, typically made from pork and seasoned with various spices, including paprika, garlic, and chili. While it’s delicious for us, it’s not an ideal snack for dogs. If your dog ate some chorizo, nothing bad will happen immediately, but its spiciness can cause stomach upset and digestive issues. It’s best to avoid giving Chorizo to your dog and stick to healthier, dog-friendly treats.

dog looking to eat sliced chorizo on a wooden plate

Processed meats can be part of a balanced diet for us, but dogs often have trouble digesting them. We’ve written about whether dogs can eat salami, Slim Jims, bologna, and Spam, all of which are especially full of salt. We really choose not to give these treats deliberately.

For Slim Jims and Chorizo, it’s always tricky, as we often buy them for our charcuterie board when entertaining friends, and our dog Ricco always manages to sneak some food. We worry because he’s a small German Spitz, only 13 pounds (6 kg), and with super spicy processed meat, he always has issues with diarrhea! That’s why we avoid it.

Breaking down Chorizo ingredients and analyzing whether they are safe for dogs

Chorizo is a flavorful sausage, but its ingredients aren’t the best for our dogs. Here’s a closer look at what’s inside and why you should think twice before sharing it with your dog.

Pork: While pork itself isn’t harmful to dogs, the high-fat content in Chorizo can lead to digestive issues and even pancreatitis if consumed in large amounts. You shouldn’t give your dog fatty meats regularly.
Paprika: This spice gives Chorizo its distinctive color and flavor. In small amounts, paprika isn’t toxic to dogs, but it can cause stomach upset and irritation. It’s best to avoid spicy foods for your dog.
Garlic powder: Garlic can be toxic to dogs in huge quantities, but the amount found in one chorizo sausage is unlikely to cause harm. Still, you shouldn’t make a habit of feeding your dog foods containing garlic.
Salt: Chorizo is high in salt, which can be harmful to dogs. Depending on their size, dogs should only consume about 0.25 to 1.5 grams of salt per 100 grams of food. Too much salt is not good and it can cause dehydration and, in severe cases, sodium ion poisoning. It’s best to avoid salty foods altogether.
Chili powder: Spicy ingredients like chili powder can irritate your dog’s digestive system, causing pain, diarrhea, and vomiting. Dogs don’t handle spicy foods well, so it’s best to keep them away.
Preservatives: Chorizo often contains various preservatives to extend its shelf life. While these aren’t immediately toxic, they are not something we recommend in your dog’s diet as a regular thing.

Chorizo ingredients aren’t immediately toxic in small amounts, but they’re not suitable for your dog’s diet. Stick to healthier options that provide better nutrition for your pet.

NutrientAmount per Serving
Calories230 kcal
Total Fat19 g
Saturated Fat7 g
Trans Fat0 g
Cholesterol40 mg
Sodium770 mg
Total Carbohydrate2 g
Dietary Fiber0 g
Sugars0 g
Protein12 g

Chorizo is not toxic for dogs

For small dogs weighing between 11 and 25 pounds (5 to 11.4 kg), sodium poisoning can occur with about half a tablespoon of salt. Since one serving of Chorizo has 770mg of sodium, a small dog would have to eat nearly nine servings to reach a harmful level. So if your dog grabs a piece, there’s no need to worry immediately. Keep an eye on them and avoid giving them more, but a single piece is unlikely to cause serious problems.

What to do if your dog eats a pack of Chorizo

If your dog manages to eat a whole pack of Chorizo, don’t panic. While it’s not ideal, it’s unlikely to cause any immediate severe harm. Start by keeping an eye on your dog. Watch for vomiting, diarrhea, or excessive drooling. The high fat and spice content might cause some stomach issues. Make sure your dog has plenty of fresh water available, as the salt content in Chorizo can make your dog thirsty and potentially lead to dehydration.

For the next meal, give your dog something bland, like plain boiled chicken and rice. This can help soothe their stomach and balance their digestive system. Chorizo’s spiciness can irritate your dog’s digestive tract, so it’s a good reminder to keep spicy and processed foods out of their reach. Remember, while eating a pack of Chorizo isn’t great for your dog, it’s not likely to be life-threatening. Keep a close watch and call your vet if your dog seems unwell.

While chorizo might be a delicious treat for us, it’s not something we should be sharing with our dogs. The high levels of fat, salt, and spices make it hard to digest and can cause some health problems.

If your dog does manage to sneak some chorizo, don’t panic. Keep an eye on them, ensure they stay hydrated, and offer bland food to help their stomach settle. Always strive to provide healthier, dog-friendly treats to keep them happy and healthy.

Love, life, and fur forever!


Can dogs eat cooked chorizo?

Dogs can technically eat cooked chorizo, but they shouldn’t. Cooked chorizo is still high in fat, salt, and spices, which can cause digestive issues and other health problems. It’s best to avoid giving your dog any chorizo.

What if my dog eats sausage?

If your dog eats a whole sausage, watch out for signs of an upset stomach. They can vomit or have diarrhea. Sausages are spicy, salty, and have lots of fat, so your dog will have a hard time digesting it. But nothing bad can happen. Just give them plenty of water and offer bland food if needed. If you notice any severe symptoms, contact your vet for advice.

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