Can Dogs Eat Chicken Skin?

Chicken skin isn’t really healthy for people and is definitely not healthy for dogs. It’s greasy and high in fat! While it’s not toxic, it’s not good for your dog. What makes it worse is that we often season chicken skin with spices like paprika, chili flakes, and garlic powder, which are unsafe for dogs. So it’s best to stick to lean chicken meat and only give our dogs plain, unseasoned cooked chicken.

fried chicken skin on a plate and a dog

So, while dogs can enjoy an occasional piece of chicken skin, it should not be a part of their regular diet. Chicken skin is super fatty and fat and can cause some digestion issues, not to mention it’s high in calories. We wrote about how dogs can eat chicken meat in detail, so you can check that article to learn more about the healthiest parts of chicken! In this one, we’ll analyze the pros and cons of chicken skin for dogs and explain different issues about seasonings and spices.

Is chicken skin safe for dogs?

While it’s not healthy, chicken skin is safe for dogs. If your dog snatches some raw chicken skin while you’re preparing chicken, don’t worry. Chicken skin isn’t toxic to dogs, and other than some potential digestive upset, your dog will be fine.

However, chicken skin is very high in fat. Consuming fatty foods can lead to weight gain and other health issues like pancreatitis. Dogs don’t process fats as efficiently as people and too much fat can strain their digestive system. So when you want to treat them, stick to lean, plain-cooked chicken for a healthier option.

What to do when dogs eat chicken skin?

If your dog eats chicken skin, don’t panic! Here’s what to do to help their tummy settle down:

Hold off food: Skip their food for at least 12 hours.
Bland diet: After 12 hours, feed them plain boiled chicken breast and cooked, unseasoned white rice for a day.
Monitor: Keep an eye on them for any tummy troubles.
Return to normal: If they’re back to normal in 24 hours, you can switch back to their regular food.
Hydration: Make sure they have plenty of fresh water.

These steps should help them feel better quickly!

Chicken skin won’t harm your dog, but it’s not recommended

Chicken skin is high in fat, which can cause digestive issues and contribute to pancreatitis, especially in dogs with sensitive stomachs. Additionally, chicken skin is often seasoned with spices that are harmful to dogs. So, it’s really best to avoid it!

Signs your dog is having issues with chicken skin

Dogs can react differently to chicken skin, especially since small dogs are more sensitive to fat than big dogs. If your dog has issues, they’ll usually be lethargic and might not want to eat.

Here’s what to watch out for:

Lethargy: Your dog may seem unusually tired and inactive.
Loss of appetite: They might not want to eat.
Prolonged lethargy: This is worrying, especially in small dogs; call your vet if this continues.
Distress from spices: If they ate seasoned fried chicken skin, watch for signs of distress and call your vet if needed.

Keep an eye on these signs to ensure your dog stays healthy!

Can chicken skin cause pancreatitis in dogs?

One piece of chicken skin certainly cannot cause pancreatitis in dogs. However, eating chicken skin all the time can contribute to pancreatitis, especially if your dog has a predisposition to this condition. Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, often triggered by high-fat foods like chicken skin. Dogs with a history of digestive issues or those prone to weight gain are at higher risk.

The holistic approach here is crucial. Instead of focusing on individual incidents, maintain a balanced diet for your dog, avoiding fatty foods to prevent potential health issues. Always consult your vet if you notice symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, or lethargy after your dog eats fatty foods.

So, we hope we helped! Chicken skin is fine as an occasional slip-up, but it shouldn’t be part of your dog’s diet!

Love, life, and fur forever!


Can dogs eat raw chicken skin?

No, dogs shouldn’t eat raw chicken skin. It’s high in fat and can carry bacteria like Salmonella, which can cause illness.

Can dogs eat boiled chicken skin?

While not toxic, boiled chicken skin is still high in fat. It’s best to avoid giving it to your dog to prevent potential health issues like pancreatitis.

Can dogs eat fried chicken skin?

No, fried chicken skin is greasy and often seasoned with spices that are not recommended for dogs. Fried, spicy chicken skin can cause digestive issues and, in the long run, can contribute to pancreatitis.

Can dogs eat rotisserie chicken skin?

No, rotisserie chicken skin is usually seasoned with spices and herbs that are unsafe for dogs. It’s also high in fat, which can lead to health problems.

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