Can Dogs Eat Arugula?

Yes, dogs can eat arugula! This leafy green is not toxic for our furry friends and is perfectly fine in moderation. Just like spinach or lettuce, arugula can be a healthy addition to your dog’s diet. However, we need to make sure they don’t overdo it. Too much of any leafy green can cause tummy troubles. Also, don’t give your dog raw, unwashed arugula from the farmers’ market or your weekly shopping. Pesticides or bacteria on unwashed greens can be harmful.

When we wrote about whether dogs can eat basil, we analyzed the study that says eating grass and leafy veggies like arugula is perfectly normal for dogs! The study showed that dogs eat plants because it’s a natural behavior from their wild ancestors, not because they’re sick or missing nutrients, with younger dogs doing it more out of curiosity. So, next time you’re preparing a salad, feel free to share a small amount with your dog as a crunchy, nutritious treat. Just remember to wash it thoroughly and keep portions small to ensure your dog stays happy and healthy.

Is arugula good for dogs? What are the health benefits?

Arugula is good and safe for dogs and has some pretty nice health benefits! Of course, it’s not like a handful of arugula will make a massive difference in your dog’s health, but it’s pretty cool to know these facts in case arugula becomes a regular thing with your hipster dog! Here are some of the essential nutrients and their benefits:


Vitamin A: Supports good vision, a healthy immune system, and proper growth and development.
Vitamin C: Acts as an antioxidant, helps reduce inflammation, and boosts the immune system.
Vitamin K: Important for normal blood clotting and bone health.


Calcium: Responsible for strong bones and teeth, muscle function, and nerve signaling.
Potassium: This mineral plays a role in maintaining normal muscle and nerve function and keeps your dog’s heart healthy.
Magnesium: Supports muscle and nerve function energy production and helps maintain a steady heartbeat.


Arugula is rich in antioxidants that protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Antioxidants are always important for overall health and they also lower the risks of chronic diseases.


The fiber in arugula assists digestion, helps maintain a healthy weight, and can prevent constipation. Fiber also increases the number of good bacteria in the gut.

Arugula is low in calories

Arugula is low in calories, making it a great treat option for dogs, especially those who need to watch their weight. They will be fuller for longer!

Arugula is full of good nutrients

Arugula is very healthy and rich in vitamins A, C, and K, along with calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

Is arugula safe for dogs?

Arugula is absolutely safe for dogs when fed in moderation. While arugula, like many leafy greens, contains oxalates, the amount is relatively low. One serving of arugula has such a small amount of oxalates that there’s no way on earth your dog can eat enough to cause any harm. Oxalates can lead to issues like kidney stones if consumed in large amounts, but with the low levels found in arugula, it’s highly unlikely to pose a risk. So, feel confident sharing this leafy green with your furry friend as a healthy, occasional treat.

Arugula is a safe and nutritious treat for dogs when given in moderation. Packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, this leafy green can offer several health benefits to your dog. Wash it well and keep the bag out of their reach so they don’t eat it with dirt and nasty goo.

Love, life, and fur forever!


What leafy greens can dogs eat?

Dogs can eat a variety of leafy greens, including spinach, arugula, kale, and romaine lettuce. These greens provide essential vitamins and minerals, but they should always be served plain and in moderation to prevent any stomach issues. Too much fiber will almost always cause diarrhea.

How much arugula can dogs eat?

Dogs should eat arugula in small amounts. Start with a few leaves mixed into their regular food and observe how they react. If they tolerate it well, you can occasionally add a bit more, but always keep the portions small.

How to prepare arugula for dogs?

To prepare arugula for dogs, wash the leaves thoroughly to remove any pesticides or dirt. Chop the arugula into small pieces and serve it plain, without any seasoning or dressing. Keep that fancy salad with balsamic vinegar to yourself!

Can dogs eat baby arugula?

Yes, dogs can eat baby arugula. It’s just as safe and nutritious as regular arugula, offering similar health benefits like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants as regular arugula. They are the same!

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