Can Dogs Eat Pears?

Dogs can eat pears, and they will probably enjoy their taste! Pears are safe for dogs, and they’re a good source of vitamins and fiber. Now, dogs don’t need too much fiber in their diet, but an occasional pear won’t do any harm!

dog and pears on the table

Like most fruits, pears are high in natural sugars, which means they should be an occasional treat, not something you give your dog every day. My dog eats fruit maybe once per week, but he’s very small (Rico is a German Spitz), and a handful of sliced fruit once per week is more than enough for him.

Are pears healthy for my dog?

Pears are a healthy snack for dogs. They’re not that sweet, have lots of water, and are low in calories. They also have lots of good nutrients!

Pears are a good source of vitamins C and K.
Pears are a great source of fiber, which can help your dog with constipation and support their digestion.
Pears are also rich in antioxidants, which are important for overall health.

Give your dog pears only in moderation

The only reason why I say you should always give your dog pears in moderation is because pears have lots of fiber, and too much fiber can upset your dog’s digestion. Also, pears have lots of natural sugar, so if you have an overweight or obese dog, you should talk to your vet before you give them lots of fruit.

Why fiber is good for dogs and why pears can be good for dogs

Here’s a study about the impact of fiber on dogs’ health, where I found a lot of useful information about fruits!

Fiber is like a secret weapon for your dog’s gut health. It helps keep their digestion running smoothly, supports healthy poop consistency, and even feeds the good bacteria in their gut.
Pears, with their natural fiber content, can be a great occasional treat for dogs. They’re not just sweet and tasty but also have pectin—a type of fiber that’s gentle on their tummy and promotes healthy gut bacteria.
Plus, pears have polyphenols, which act as antioxidants and can help reduce inflammation.

While fiber can sometimes lower nutrient digestibility slightly, the benefits of improved gut health, immune support, and a happy digestive system make pears a really good snack!

How to feed your dog pears safely

If you have a garden and a curious dog that likes to eat stuff from the trees, then don’t worry—dogs can eat pears from a tree! However, when you give them pears, make sure to wash them well and slice them into small bite-sized pieces so they’re easy to chew and swallow.

Remove the core, seeds, and stems! They’re a real choking hazard, especially for small dogs.

Even though seeds contain small amounts of cyanide (in traces), they’re not dangerous, and cyanide poisoning from fruit seeds is very rare. Don’t worry about that, but for more information, read my article about whether dogs can eat cherries, where I analyzed studies showing that most seeds and pits go through your dog’s digestive system untouched. I also explained that not all amygdalin (the toxic substance) turns into cyanide! It’s really liberating to bust this myth, so please check out that article!

Types of pears and whether dogs can eat them safely

Pears are generally always safe for dogs. While all types of pears can be a tasty snack, it’s best to stick to small portions. Let’s take a closer look at some common types of pears and whether they’re okay for your dog.

Can dogs eat Korean (Asian) pears?

Yes, dogs can eat all Asian pears, including Korean pears. Korean pears are just a type of Asian pear. Asian pears (also known as nashi pears, apple pears, and Japanese pears) are really unique fruits that are quite crispy. Unlike regular pears, they are very firm and crunchy, more like apples. That’s why it’s important to remove the tough core before you share them with your dog, but they’re absolutely safe to share!

If you’re cooking with Asian pears, don’t share them with your dog! I know they’re great in stir-fries or with grilled meats, but only fresh Asian pears are safe to share!

Some other types of pears that are also safe for dogs

Dogs can eat red pears. They’re just as nutritious as other pears, and you can give them to your dog—peeled or unpeeled, but always without the core and sliced into small pieces.
Bartlett pears are also safe for dogs. These are some of the juiciest pears out there, so there’s a good chance your dog will enjoy the taste and texture.
Bosc pears are safe for dogs too. They’re just very hard, and while some dogs might find them fun to chew on, smaller dogs may have issues with them.

Can dogs eat canned or dried pears?

Fresh is always better, so canned pears are not the best option for dogs. While canned pears are not toxic, they often come in sugary syrup. They can even have additional artificial sweeteners that are not good for your dog’s health.

Too much sugar is not good for dogs. It leads to poor dental health and weight gain. If your dog eats some canned pears by accident, don’t worry. The amount of sugar in that one mishap won’t cause long-term problems, but it’s good to know that you should avoid feeding them this kind of stuff.

Dried pears are also not great for dogs. They’re not toxic like raisins, but similar to prunes, they’re high in sugar and often come coated with starch or extra sugar. If your dog ate some dried pears by accident, don’t worry. If they ate a ton, they might experience temporary diarrhea or vomiting, but it’s short-term, and they’ll be fine.

Similar fruits to pears that dogs can eat

If your dog enjoys pears, there are plenty of other fruits they can safely eat, too! These fruits have a similar taste or texture and can be a super healthy and refreshing treat:

  • Apples: Just like pears, apples are sweet and crunchy. Dogs can eat apples, and all you have to do is remove the seeds and core before sharing.
  • Peaches: Dogs can eat peaches, and fresh peaches (not canned or sugary versions) are a soft and sweet treat. Always remove the pit before you give your dog a peach!
  • Plums: Similar to peaches, plums can be a juicy treat for dogs, but you need to remove the pit and only give them a small amount since too much can cause digestive issues like diarrhea.
  • Mangos: The soft, sweet flesh of a mango can be a great snack. Dogs can eat mangoes in moderation, and all you have to do is remove the large pit and peel the mango.
  • Nectarines: Similar to peaches, dogs can eat nectarines as long as the pit is removed.

Love, life, and fur forever!


Can dogs eat pear seeds?

Dogs shouldn’t eat pear seeds, but if they eat some by accident (like if they eat a whole pear), nothing bad will happen. Even though pear seeds contain a small amount of cyanide, it takes a huge number of seeds to cause toxicity. Most dogs swallow seeds whole, so nothing bad happens.

Can dogs eat brown pears?

Yes, brown pears are safe for dogs as long as they’re not overripe or spoiled. If the pear has just started to brown from oxidation (like when cut and exposed to air), it’s still fine to eat. Avoid any pears that are mushy or smell off.

Can dogs eat freeze-dried pears?

Yes, freeze-dried pears can be a good treat for dogs if they’re plain with no added sugar or preservatives. These treats are light and crunchy, but I don’t look at them as dog treats, so it’s better to skip them!

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