Can Dogs Eat Popcorn?

While popcorn is not toxic to dogs, and that’s really good news, dogs shouldn’t eat popcorn as they are super salty and often drenched in butter!

movie theatre popcorn and a dog

Dogs usually adore salty snacks they shouldn’t eat, especially the stuff we eat in front of the TV, like tortilla chips, pretzels, or Cheetos. The problem with these snacks is always the salt content and some artificial flavors and additives. Although the amount of additives and artificial ingredients in snacks will never be high enough to cause immediate trouble, it’s the compound effect of eating salty junk that you need to be careful about.

I wrote about why Goldfish crackers are not good for dogs and broke down the seasonings and spices, proving that eating them one time won’t cause issues, but we are looking at the overall effect, the bigger picture, and a holistic health approach.

Since popcorn is not bad for dogs on its own, let’s look at some types of popcorn and whether they are suitable for dogs or not!

Can dogs eat kettle corn?

Kettle corn is regular popcorn but sweet, salty, and fatty at the same time! It’s usually made with lots of sugar, whether that’s brown cane sugar or any other variety, and lightly salted. It’s delicious, crunchy, and not good for your dog.

Kettle corn is not toxic to dogs, but…

While a tiny amount won’t harm your dog, you shouldn’t give your dog kettle corn as a snack. Sugar is bad for dogs, their teeth, and their metabolism!

So, while not toxic, kettle corn is not good for dogs!

Can dogs eat caramel popcorn?

I already wrote about why caramel is not good for dogs, as it’s high in sugar and difficult to digest. When it comes to caramel popcorn, it’s the same as any sugary treat- sugar is bad for dogs, and it doesn’t belong in their diet!

If they manage to steal some caramel popcorn from you, then you don’t have to worry, but you shouldn’t teach them that it’s okay to share, as they don’t need sugar!

What about buttered popcorn?

Buttered popcorn is probably my least favorite snack, and I only eat it when I go to the movies, as it’s high in salt and fat and quite inflammatory (and I tend to avoid that). Buttered popcorn can make your dog sick and cause digestive issues and tummy aches.

It’s not toxic to dogs, but buttered popcorn is high in fat and salt, and that combination is horrible for dogs!

What happens when dogs eat popcorn?

Air-popped popcorn may be okay for dogs, but it will get stuck in their teeth, plus there’s a risk of choking, intestinal blockage, and other not-so-fun things that can happen.

Nothing bad should happen if your dog eats popcorn, but if they overeat, there are some things you may expect:

constipation and difficulty pooping
tummy ache
refusing to eat
and in severe cases, dehydration (from the salt) and intestinal blockage.

If you suspect the last two, call your vet immediately; otherwise, you don’t have to worry. One of the best foods for constipation in dogs is cooked pumpkin, so make some for their next meal, or offer them some canned pumpkin to fix things!

In case of accidents: can dogs eat popcorn kernels?

It would be super rare for your dog to eat a mouthful of raw, unpopped popcorn kernels, but if that happens, you don’t have to worry.

Their stomach is resilient, and the kernels will just pass through their system whole. This may cause some issues with their bowel movements, but nothing serious can happen.

Why is popcorn bad for dogs?

Popcorn itself isn’t bad for dogs, but it’s not exactly nutritious or beneficial either. There’s really no good reason to give it to your dog. The real problem comes from the toppings and seasonings we add!

Salt is bad for dogs as large amounts can lead to dehydration. There’s also the risk of sodium poisoning if they eat too much of it.
Onion and garlic powder are harmful in large amounts, and the tiny bit sprinkled on popcorn probably won’t cause serious issues. Still, it’s best to avoid giving your dog anything with onion or garlic powder, as they can irritate their stomach.
White cheddar may seem harmless, but cheese is high in fat and adds unnecessary calories, so even though dogs can technically eat white cheddar cheese popcorn, it’s better to skip it.
Toffee popcorn is loaded with sugar and butter, both of which are unhealthy for dogs. Sugar can mess with their metabolism and teeth, and too much butter can cause stomach problems and even lead to pancreatitis. It’s definitely one to avoid.

So, dogs can eat plain, air-popped popcorn, but honestly, they shouldn’t. It’s more likely to get stuck in their teeth and could lead to stomach issues. As for all the other types of popcorn, you’re really just giving them unhealthy options. You would think that Skinny Popcorn would be safe for dogs, but when you look at the ingredients, you can see that they are just as high in salt, fat, and calories!

Salt, butter, cheese toppings, and caramel are all not good for dogs and can cause a range of problems, from dehydration to digestive troubles. So, while it’s not toxic, the verdict is that popcorn isn’t the best snack to share with your dog.

Love, life, and fur forever!


These are the most popular questions. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please comment below, and I’ll be happy to answer!

Can dogs eat Skinny Pop popcorn?

Skinny Pop might seem like a lighter option, but it’s still not the best for dogs. Even though it’s low in calories, it usually has salt and oil, which can upset your dog’s stomach. So it’s better to skip it.

Can dogs eat microwave popcorn?

Microwave popcorn is another one to avoid. It often has added butter, salt, and preservatives that aren’t good for dogs. If your dog sneaks a piece, don’t worry too much, but it’s not something you should offer them regularly.

Can dogs eat popcorn with salt?

Popcorn with salt is a bad idea for dogs. Dogs can’t handle salt too well, and what seems like a small amount of salt to us can cause dehydration or even sodium poisoning. It’s best to keep salty snacks away from them.

Can dogs eat plain popcorn?

Plain, or air-popped popcorn is the only option for dogs, but even then, it’s not something they need. It’s not harmful, but it’s also not very nutritious and can get stuck in their teeth or cause digestive issues.

Can dogs eat Pipcorn?

Pipcorn might seem fun and trendy, but it’s still not great for dogs. Like other popcorn, it can have added salt or oils, and the tiny pieces could be a choking hazard or get stuck in their teeth. Best to avoid it!

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