Can Dogs Eat Chia Seeds?

Yes, dogs can eat chia seeds, and you can even make a chia seed pudding just for them! I’m not sure how common this treat is for dogs, but in my house, my dog loves to lick the breakfast bowls with oats and chia seed pudding, so I had to dig into this topic.

chia seeds and chia seed pudding and a dog

What I learned is that chia seeds are safe for dogs and have some nutritional benefits. That said, they’re not a typical dog treat and aren’t something dogs usually crave. I haven’t heard of a dog eating raw chia seeds or any raw grains, but it’s good to know that, unlike raw quinoa, raw chia seeds aren’t toxic to dogs. Raw quinoa can be bad for dogs since it contains saponins, which are only dangerous in large amounts, but still good to know!

Are chia seeds safe for dogs?

Chia seeds are totally safe for dogs and can be a healthy food topper. I love eating chia seeds because they’re a great plant-based omega-3 source and are rich in antioxidants and fiber. All these nutrients can benefit your dog, too, but remember, chia seeds won’t suddenly become a dog superfood. Keep their overall nutritional needs in mind, as most of their essential vitamins and minerals come from their dog food.

Health benefits of chia seeds for dogs

I have to repeat this: chia seeds aren’t a superfood for dogs like they are for us, but they still have some natural health benefits that are pretty cool!

Rich in omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 is essential for overall health and can improve your dog’s skin and coat quality.
High in fiber: Chia seeds are an excellent source of fiber, which can help regulate bowel movements, especially if your dog occasionally struggles with constipation.
Packed with antioxidants: The antioxidants in chia seeds help combat free radicals, which, over time, can reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
Source of calcium and phosphorus: These minerals are key for maintaining healthy bones and teeth in dogs, particularly as they age.
High in protein: Chia seeds provide plant-based protein, which can support muscle maintenance and energy levels, especially for active dogs.

How to serve chia seeds to your dog

I found some great recipes online for dog-friendly chia seeds! The best way to serve chia seeds to your dog is to make chia seed pudding. As chia seeds absorb water, if you give them raw seeds or a pudding that isn’t fully set, they’ll soak up water in your dog’s stomach and intestines. This is the same for people, and those “internal showers” people talk about on social media are not only gross but can be unhealthy.

So, the best approach is to soak the chia seeds in water or milk (if your dog can tolerate it). They’re ready when they form a gel-like consistency. This can happen overnight, so you can easily make some extra for your dog when you’re prepping your own!

When you’re ready to share, top the pudding with some blueberries, raspberries, bananas, or even exotic fruits like guava, and let them enjoy this sweet treat!

Only the unsweetened chia seed pudding is safe for dogs

Be sure to give only an unsweetened version of chia seed pudding to your dog! If you use any artificial sweeteners or protein powders to sweeten your pudding, don’t share it with your dog. Xylitol, a common sweetener in these products, is toxic to dogs!

Can dogs eat raw chia seeds?

No! If your dog is a weird omnivore and they ate some from the bag, please stay close and monitor them for any distress. Raw chia seeds can absorb up to 10 times their amount in water, and they can expand in the stomach and cause stomach pain and discomfort. Please call your vet if you think your dog is struggling.

How much chia seeds should you give your dog?

Not much, but a small portion of chia seed pudding with their favorite fruit can be a good treat. I eat about 3 tablespoons of chia seeds in my pudding, so I guess a small teaspoon or two would be enough for dogs.

90% of your dog’s diet should be dog food

Always follow the 10% treat rule, keeping treats, including chia pudding, to no more than 10% of their daily intake.

Potential risks of feeding chia seeds to dogs

While chia seeds are generally safe, there are a few things to watch out for, as they are so rich in fiber. Fiber can cause problems with digestion, and that’s why I suggested giving chia pudding only as an occasional treat.

Here are some problems that can happen:

Digestive issues: Too much chia pudding can cause digestive upset, including bloating, gas, or diarrhea, especially if chia seeds are not soaked beforehand.
Choking hazard: Chia seeds expand significantly when they absorb water, so if your dog eats too many at once without enough water, it could cause a choking risk.

Will chia seeds help with constipation?

Yes, they can! But chia seeds are not something you should give your dog specifically for constipation.

There are special treats for dogs that your vet can suggest, as well as other more common food choices, like fruit, cooked pumpkin, carrots, fluids, and fibrous vegetables.

Can chia seeds help with weight management in dogs?

Now, this is something interesting. Since chia seeds make you feel full, and keep you feeling full for a long time, they can help reduce your dog’s calorie intake. This is great for dogs on special weight management plans that need help controlling their appetite.

Just remember, chia seeds will never replace regular long walks, exercise, and healthy dog food, which are essential for maintaining a healthy weight.

Are there any dogs that shouldn’t eat chia seeds?

Chia seeds are safe for most dogs, but if your dog struggles with gastrointestinal issues or is on a specialized diet, you should talk to your vet before sharing some pudding with them.

Are chia seeds better than flaxseeds for dogs?

Both chia seeds and flaxseeds are great for dogs, and each has its own benefits. Chia seeds have more fiber and calcium than flaxseeds and don’t need to be ground to unlock their nutrients. Flaxseeds, on the other hand, are also high in omega-3 fatty acids but must be ground to be digestible for dogs.

Both can be part of their diet if you’re used to sharing your oat bowls or chia pudding with your dog. They are easy to make, taste great with fruit, and can be a good special treat!

Love, life, and fur forever!


Can dogs eat chia seeds and flax seeds?

Yes, dogs can eat both chia seeds and flax seeds. Both are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, but make sure to grind flax seeds and soak chia seeds before you give them to your dog, and make sure both are just part of an occasional treat.

Can dogs eat chia pudding?

Yes, dogs can eat chia pudding as long as it’s made specifically for them with soaked chia seeds and dog-safe ingredients like water or unsweetened almond milk and fresh fruits.

Can dogs eat black chia seeds?

Yes, dogs can eat black chia seeds. There’s no significant difference between black and white chia seeds in terms of nutrition, so both are safe for dogs when served properly.

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