Can Dogs Eat Pepperoni?

No, they can’t. Although pepperoni isn’t toxic to dogs, it’s not recommended. Pepperoni is high in fat, salt, and spices, which can cause digestive issues, pancreatitis, and other health problems in dogs. If your dog eats a small piece, you don’t need to panic, but it’s best to avoid giving them pepperoni as a treat.

A couple of decades ago, it was common to give dogs processed meats and meaty snacks like jerky, Slim Jims, salami, and other salty, spicy treats. While a small piece now and then won’t hurt, regularly feeding your dog these types of processed meats can lead to serious side effects.

sliced pepperoni on a wooden board and a dog

Why is pepperoni bad for dogs?

You shouldn’t panic if your dog eats pepperoni, even if they accidentally consume a whole stick. In the short term, your dog might experience some stomach upset, but nothing too severe is likely to happen.

However, there are long-term effects to consider if your dog regularly eats pepperoni. Consistently consuming this high-fat, high-salt, and spicy meat can lead to:

  • digestive issues
  • obesity
  • pancreatitis
  • salt poisoning,
  • and kidney damage.

Over time, these health problems can significantly impact your dog’s quality of life. So, while an occasional slip-up isn’t a cause for alarm, it’s best to avoid making pepperoni a regular part of your dog’s diet.

What happens if dogs eat processed meats all the time?

If your dog regularly consumes a large amount of pepperoni, they risk digestive issues, salt poisoning, kidney damage, or pancreatitis. It’s important to keep these foods out of their diet to keep them healthy and minimize the chances for these health problems.

At Dog Inspector, we have an entire category dedicated to processed meat, where we often discuss the high risks and increasing chances of diseases that can make your dog’s life difficult.

The combination of sodium and fat is especially harmful, which is why dogs shouldn’t eat Spam, salami, chorizo, and other greasy meat snacks. Naturally, your dog will love these meat snacks, but it’s up to you to offer healthier alternatives. Keep some plain cooked meat and high-quality snacks on hand so you can make better choices for them.

A word on pancreatitis

When your dog eats too much fatty food, like pepperoni, digesting that food can make the pancreas produce excess digestive enzymes, leading to inflammation. Pancreatitis in dogs is a serious condition where the pancreas gets inflamed, usually because of a high-fat diet.

Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, lethargy, and loss of appetite. But don’t worry—pancreatitis isn’t something that every dog will get easily. There are several factors involved, like high-fat diets, eating unusual foods, table scraps, or trash.

Other risks include lipid disorders, certain medications and toxins, hormonal imbalances, genetic predispositions in some breeds, and ingesting harmful substances.

While it’s not super common, you should still minimize the risk by giving your dog a balanced, low-fat diet and avoiding fatty, processed foods like pepperoni. If you think your dog might have pancreatitis, it’s important to see a vet right away.

Help, my dog ate a lot of pepperoni!

If your dog ate a whole stick or an entire plate of pepperoni, there’s no reason to panic, but there are a few things to consider. The size of your dog, the type of pepperoni, and how much they ate all matter. Pepperoni is high in salt and often contains spices like garlic powder, which can be especially bad for small dogs. The salt can lead to salt poisoning, and the spices can upset their stomach.

If your dog starts showing symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst, lethargy, or signs of stomach pain, it’s important to act quickly. For mild symptoms, make sure your dog has plenty of water and keep an eye on them.

If the symptoms are severe or don’t go away, call your vet right away. Watch out for signs of salt poisoning, like tremors, seizures, or excessive urination, which need urgent veterinary care.

Why pepperoni is not a good snack for dogs

While a one-time pepperoni binge probably won’t cause long-term harm, regular consumption can lead to serious health issues like obesity, pancreatitis, and kidney damage. It’s best to avoid giving your dog processed meats and stick to healthier treats to keep them happy and healthy.

Love, life, and fur forever!


Can dogs eat turkey pepperoni?

Technically dogs can eat turkey pepperoni, but it’s still not the best choice for them. Like regular pepperoni, turkey pepperoni is high in salt and spices, which can cause digestive issues and other health problems. If your dog eats a small amount, I don’t think you should panic, but it’s better to offer healthier treats.

Can dogs eat cooked pepperoni?

Cooked pepperoni isn’t toxic to dogs, but it’s not recommended. It’s high in salt, fat, and spices, which can lead to unhealthy eating habits, digestive issues, obesity, and even pancreatitis if eaten regularly. A small piece now and then won’t hurt, but it’s best to avoid making it a habit.

Can dogs eat uncured pepperoni?

Uncured pepperoni is still not a great option for dogs. Even though it might have fewer additives, it’s still high in salt and fat. Salt and fat can cause digestive issues and long-term health problems if consumed regularly. Stick to healthier treats to keep your dog safe and healthy.

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