Can dogs eat caramel?

No, they can not, but if they ate some, they will be fine. Caramel is not toxic to dogs unless it’s some diet sugar-free treat with artificial sweeteners. Caramel is just a candy full of sugar, and there’s nothing healthy there for dogs, so in this article, we’re going to cover what to do if your dog accidentally devoured a bag, what you can expect if they stole your dulce de leche, caramel popcorn, or just ate some of your caramel candy.

dog looking at salted caramel

Who doesn’t have a sneaky, greedy, omnivore dog just looking to snatch every piece of candy they can get? We certainly have one, and although he never had any caramel, he licked dulce de leche out of the jar. Silly dog. Lucky for us, caramel, dulce de leche, or anything with natural caramel is not toxic for dogs, so if your dog had some caramel — don’t panic; everything will be fine. However, in case of accidents, follow the safety protocol when it comes to sugar rush (check it out below).

What can happen if your dog eats caramel?

So, your dog managed to snatch some caramel, huh? While it’s not the end of the world, a few things might happen.

Sugar overload

First, the sugar overload can cause an upset stomach. You might notice your dog experiencing some vomiting or diarrhea as their body tries to deal with all that sugar. It’s not pleasant for them and can be quite messy for you.

Weight gain (in the long run)

Next, all that sugar can lead to weight gain if it becomes a regular thing. Dogs don’t need added sugars, and too much sugar will make them fat, and in the long run, can cause obesity and accompanying health issues like diabetes.

Eating caramel can cause dental problems

Also, be aware of the potential for dental problems. Like in humans, sugary treats can contribute to tooth decay and dog gum disease.

Sugar-free caramel can be toxic for dogs

Lastly, if the caramel is sugar-free and contains xylitol, it can be dangerous. Xylitol is very toxic to dogs as it causes a rapid drop in blood sugar, leading to seizures or even liver failure. A xylitol intake of as little as 0.03 g/kg body weight (BW) can result in clinical hypoglycemia. Always check the ingredients if you suspect your dog ate something sugar-free. In most cases, a small amount of caramel won’t cause serious harm, but it’s definitely not a treat you want to make a habit of sharing with your dog.

What do you do if your dogs eat too much caramel?

If your dog eats too much caramel, there are a few steps you should take to ensure its safety. The first thing to do is consider your dog’s size. Smaller dogs are more likely to experience severe reactions than larger dogs. It’s always best to call your vet and check the label of the caramel to see if it has any toxic ingredients, like xylitol.

Here are the most common ingredients in caramel:

  • Sugar
  • Butter
  • Cream
  • Corn syrup
  • Vanilla extract
  • Salt

None of them are toxic for dogs. In most cases, your dog might experience some vomiting or diarrhea for the next day or so. They can develop pancreatitis or another serious gastrointestinal illness from eating something they’re not used to, but most dogs don’t become seriously ill from a small amount of caramel.

Here’s what you can do:

Give them water: Make sure your dog stays hydrated.
Don’t induce vomiting: Only use 3% hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting if your vet advises explicitly.
Monitor them: Watch your dog closely for the next 24 hours for any signs of distress or unusual behavior.
Offer bland food: Give them something bland to eat, like cooked rice and chicken or a little bit of their favorite wet dog food.
Check their poop: Keep an eye on their stool for any abnormalities.

If you see that your dog has experienced bloating, multiple vomiting episodes, or loss of appetite in the past 24 hours, get to your vet ASAP. There’s a lot of sticky caramel in their stomach, and they need help.

Caramel is not recommended for dogs

Caramel can get stuck in your dog’s teeth, upset their stomach, and make them sick and lethargic. Its sticky texture is also hard to digest, which can cause further digestive issues.

What happens if dogs eat dulce de leche?

Eating dulce de leche is similar to eating regular caramel candy for dogs. If your dog gets into some dulce de leche, the high sugar and fat content can make them vomit and cause diarrhea. The symptoms are identical to those of eating caramel. Over time, eating high-sugar, high-fat foods can cause serious health problems. If your dog sneaks a small amount, watch them closely, keep an eye out for signs of digestive distress, and provide plenty of water. If the symptoms don’t go away, call your vet for advice.

What happens to dogs if they eat caramel popcorn?

While neither caramel nor popcorn are toxic to dogs, they are not the best treats either. The caramel coating’s sugar and fat content and the possibility of choking on popcorn kernels make them a risky snack. Again, this depends on the size of your dog. If your dog eats caramel popcorn, not much will happen. But if they eat a lot, they will have some GI issues like vomiting and diarrhea. In addition, popcorn can get stuck in your dog’s teeth. If your dog ate the caramel popcorn, keep an eye out for any signs of digestive problems and keep them hydrated. Contact your veterinarian for assistance if you notice any concerning symptoms, such as persistent vomiting or difficulty breathing.

While caramel and its variations, like fudge and dulce de leche, aren’t toxic to dogs, they are packed with sugar and fat, which can lead to gastrointestinal issues and long-term health problems. Always monitor your dog after they’ve snuck a treat, and watch out for any unusual symptoms. Stick to dog-friendly snacks to keep them happy and healthy.

Love, life, and fur forever!


Can dogs eat caramel syrup?

No, dogs should not eat caramel syrup. It’s high in sugar and can lead to digestive upset and other health issues like diabetes and pancreatitis. If your dog accidentally consumes some, monitor them for symptoms and contact your vet if needed.

Can dogs eat salted caramel?

No, dogs should avoid salted caramel. The high sugar and salt content can be harmful, potentially causing dehydration, kidney issues, or sodium poisoning. Always keep salted caramel and similar treats out of reach.

Can dogs eat caramel fudge?

No, dogs shouldn’t eat caramel fudge. It’s rich in sugar and fat, which can upset their stomachs and lead to more serious health problems over time. If your dog eats some, nothing bad will happen, but if they eat a lot, watch for signs of discomfort and call your vet.

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